21 December 2020
The Golden Mount Temple has opened the new era for SDGs with IBHAP Foundation as a bridging organization which links 21 other organisations to form a collaborative network to drive SDGs. This action serves SDGs 17 – partnerships for the goals. Ven. Napan Santibhaddo, Chair of IBHAP Foundation and Assistant Abbot, believes that SDGs are not the responsibility of a specific organisation and to achieve the goals all sectors have to join forces. Furthermore, Buddhism is a social capital and temples are the centre of community in Thailand. Based on this notion, he has invited business, public, educational and Buddhist institutions to sign a multilateral MOU of collaboration on driving SDGs. So far 22 organisations have agreed to take part. However, due to covid-19 situation and to limit the number of audience, a pilot MOU has been signed among 9 organisations with The Most Ven. Phra Thep Ratana Muni, Acting Abbot, presiding over the ceremony and also signing the MOU. In addition, he has kindly give IBHAP permission to use the temple auditorium for the event.
On this occasion, The Most Ven. has said that the thought of doing a good deed and wanting to make it sustainable is a wholesome idea. Acting on the idea to make it happened is considered following the Buddha’s practice. After his enlightenment, the Buddha had practised to sustain the Dhamma for the boundless benefit of mankind. As a result, the noblest Dhamma has been passed on to all generations of Buddhists. The founding of the network for SDGs by IBHAP Foundation has established a cause for the sustainability of doing good deeds.
One of the first five “IBHAP Happiness Ambassador”, Madam Tuang, has also been introduced at the event.
Apart from IBHAP Foundation which acts a bridging organisation, the organisations which have signed the pilot MOU are The Golden Mount Tempe, Siam University, Wat Saket Schoold, The Association of Alternative Education Promotion, Madam Tuang, King Fruits, Can Tongcome Rice, and Moreloop. The other 13 organisations which have already agreed to sign the MOU are Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srinakharinwirot Unitversity, Eastern Asia University, The Rotary Peace Center at Chulalongkorn University, MITR Academny, Fa Academy, Bhojjhanga Foundation, Horapa Catering, NISE Corp, COFACT Thailand, Digital Thinkers Forum, Satarana, and Young Thai for Sustainable Development Assembly.
Finally, to start the “decade of action” and drive SDGs, The Golden Mount Temple is promoting the recycling and reducing of plastic waste as well as encouraging participation in environment protection through activities related to Buddhism. Individuals or organisations who are interested to take part in this initiation, please contact IBHAP Foundation at 0877094259. In addition, The Most Ven. Phra Thep Ratana Muni, Acting Abbot, has kindly give his permission to any party who wants to hold a meeting or a seminar that drives SDGs to use the temple auditorium free of charge (voluntary donation for utilities). To book the venue, please contact Mr. Kom-a-nand at 0959634615.
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